Contradictions and Truth

I have had an interesting insight this morning. Here it is…

The truth hides behind contradictions. They are literally everywhere, contradictions that is. We try to see the truth, hear the truth, or speak the truth and wham! Someone slams a contradiction in there.

Call out the contradiction and the truth is set free.

Warning! people get pretty fuffy when the contradiction is acknowledged to be dismissed leaving only the truth in all its glory.

It is risky business to dispel the safety of contradictions.

How True it is and it Can Hurt…

The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated. - James A. Baldwin

The paradox of education is precisely this – that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.
– James A. Baldwin

I am currently battling an age old problem. “Get an education young lady” they said, “and the doors shall be thrown wide for you.” So I did.

“Be the top of your class and the avenues are even greater.” they said. And so I did- even sacrificing personal time to study, focus, and succeed.

Now here I am out in the world still, only with my credentials behind me and lo and behold, “they” have other excuses about why I am not right for those jobs or positions which engage my passion.

There is hope in this lesson. There is success in this dark tunnel. The ends which I have struggled for will come to pass with patience, diligence, and persistence. If you are on this roller coaster with me, remember this; someone will see the potential you carry and someone will reach out to you and offer you that chance you are looking for. Giving up is not an option.

If I Can Convince Myself I Can’t….

I should be able to convince myself I can.

Something I have found to be true is that there are times when the oddest or most unexpected thing can make you upset, or send you into a dark mood that drags you down.

I am blessed to also have the opposite thing happen, that is having something unexpected remind me of the hope and joy in life in order to return to happiness.

I think the difference between someone who gets both, and someone who only gets the first one is hope, and a willingness to believe that they both are true.

The simplest things in life can so very often take you by surprise and remind you that tomorrow is another day, and it can be a good one. If you chose to ignore the simple beauty then you are only leaving yourself in a dark prison. Free yourself, take a step towards child-like innocent belief in little miracles. They are happening all around you.


Are You Afraid to Walk Alone on Your Journey?

We are all afraid of loneliness. It can seem oppressive at times. The silence in loneliness is louder than the bangs of thunder on a warm June night.

I think the great secret that eludes many people is this, none of us are truly alone.

We feel that way, definitely.

We hurt from it, definitely.

We agonize about how to change it, definitely.

We spend so much energy wondering, hoping, hurting; maybe it is time to do something radical…

Pick someone and reach out. There is someone in your life waiting to end your loneliness, look for them, see them, and feel connected…

If you just stand still you may miss them, be brave and take that step, you are worthy of great love.

See without expecting and you will be amazed at who is there.

You are Possible!

I am feeling pumped all of a sudden!

Do you know that moment when you feel like you are in complete control and the world is yours to make it as you want?

I have that feeling right now,  in this moment. I am going to grab it.

Everything I am and everything I want to be is possible, I believe it today.
