John Wayne Would be Proud…

Well I did it. I finished my first fictional novella.

It was an awesome and fuzzy feeling when I typed that last word. Now my editing and development team are busy getting us ready for publication.

My publication venue of choice is Kindle Direct on Amazon.

Holy Moly am I still terrified! I hope that any criticism is professionally given and not just derogatory in nature. Please watch for the release date if you are interested. I was also thinking I could publish the prologue here in order to give everyone an idea about what to expect…

"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway."  John Wayne

“Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway.”
John Wayne

Writing Fiction is Scary…

I just have to say this, writing fiction with the intention of sharing it is scary.

I am working on a novella that I think, or more correctly I hope, is going to be well received by the people I want to share it with, but I just never know.

This brings me to my point. When I write anything I like to think I am sharing a piece of myself with those who are reading it. It is this idea that makes it scary because anytime we put ourselves out there for others to see there is the possibility of judgments or God forbid rejection.

I think this could be why I am dragging my feet a little bit finishing up this story.

It is hard to decide to finish and then to share, but I am hoping to find the courage to do so within myself.

I believe that I have something inside myself that should be shared. I think everyone has something inside themselves that should be shared. I also think that it takes bravery to share it.

Soon and very soon I am going to have to just John Wayne this thing and saddle up.

Oh how I appreciate how difficult that can be in so many aspects of life!