We Can Only Change Ourselves…

Music is very important to me, and when I listen to music I listen to ALL of the music. When I say that I mean; lyrics, composition, and the emoting of the vocalist come together to form the mood and feel of the song. In order for me to connect with a song and be moved by it, all these elements must work together. You can imagine then, I can be very serious when listening to music and the message the music promotes will be interpreted. This makes me an interesting critic because some people will say that if the beat is good, they don’t care about the lyrics or the melody, and so on, this is not the case with me.

It almost feels like everyone at this moment is loving to hate Miley Cyrus. While I agree that she is in some kind of massive change trying to find herself, and I am not a huge fan, her recent release “Wrecking Ball” caught my attention one day because of one little line. I have not watched the video, and I do not think her current behavior is acceptable, but I am not trying to write here about Miley Cyrus, I am talking about the potent message that the authors of this piece send with the blend of lyrics and music.

The actual authors and composes of this song may have chosen Miley Cyrus to express it for them simply because she is in a place of reconstruction herself.

The line that caught my attention is this one;

“All I wanted was to break your walls; All you ever did was break me.” – Lukasz Gottwold, Maureen Ann McDonald, Stephen Moccio, Sacha Skarbek, & Henry Russell Walter.      (That seems like a lot of authors for one song doesn’t it? But perhaps this team needed each other to bring it all together.)

So what do I hear? I hear music that calls to me from my childhood because it feels like a power ballad, almost as if White Snake should be belting it out. I hear the minor chords and I feel broken, lost, hurt, and wondering. I also feel that moment of realization.

I think so many times people go into relationships thinking they can “save” the person, or they can “fix” the person, or they can “control” the person. I can unequivocally tell you…  Anytime you think you are going to march into someone else’s private soul and start a home improvement project you should expect to become collateral damage.

No one can change a person, only an individual can change themselves. When we commit to a relationship we are not committing to re-building someone else. We are committing to walking their road of change with them; they hold the map, they make their own destination. In healthy relationships, two people blend their roads and walk each others as support.

I can tell you from experience, anytime you think about forcing someone to drop their walls, stop before you rush in like a bull. Those walls are there for a reason, and even if you don’t understand them, or you think they are not important, think again.

Every relationship makes a person vulnerable. Do you really want to add flying shrapnel?



Putting Up Hay is Good for the Soul

We put up hay again today. The crop is not so good this year, but with the help of our farmer friends I think we might make it through the winter ahead.

I grew up in the city, but I would never go back. The country seems simpler, more grounded, and infinitely more peaceful.

Sometimes I wonder if what people really need is some country living. The amazing thing is I am not talking about country music. I am extremely picky about what country music I might listen too.

I am talking about the connectedness, the vibrancy of life, and the peace of the country.

It relaxes you, it rejuvenates you, and it reminds you how all life is connected in a constant cycle of birth, growth, and change. John Denver, who is one of my favorite folk singers, talks about the country all the time in his music. He is right. The magic of the country life is a healing balm.

If you are staring at concrete and walls, maybe instead of running to a hectic water park, you should book yourself some time in the country.

See it, hear it, taste it, smell it, feel it; there is a little patch of heaven somewhere near by to you. Discover the country and see if you fall in love.

"I hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me  The radio reminds me of my home far away  And drivin' down the road I get the feeling  That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday -  Country roads, take me home  To the place I belong " John Denver

“I hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin’ down the road I get the feeling
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday –
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong “
John Denver


Yeah It’s Gonna Be Ok!

You are possible. You are wonderful. You are part of the beauty of creation and there are no limits to your potential!

Never let someone tell you that you can’t, won’t, or are unworthy.

Look in the mirror today and see the soul staring back at you. The body fades, the soul is eternal; when you truly believe that truth the doors will fly off their hinges in your joy!

truth of play

Today is the day. DO SOMETHING that awakens your soul!

What is Eternity?

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour." William  blake

“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.” William

Have you ever caught yourself staring off into space and contemplating something simple like a flower or a rock, and your attention changes, stretching out?

I catch myself doing this sometimes and there is a feeling that overcomes me, I call it the essence of eternity. Time seems to stop or slow down to a snails pace… the moments stretch and vibrate, it feels peaceful, riotous, warm, and intense all at the same time.

The best way I can describe it is if you could become the tension in a pulled back rubber band, not the band itself, but the energy of the tension in the band, you are just waiting to snap and explode forward. It is this moment of suspended time before the explosion I am talking about.

In this place truth can become very clear, look for the moments of eternity and listen while you are there.

Sunday Morning Thoughts…

I think it was Lionel Ritchie who sang, “Easy like Sunday morning….”?

I never really understood what that meant until now in my life. I think it has something to do with how the world just feels different on Sunday. It feels calmer, slower, and more peaceful for some reason.

I am sure this is not always true for everyone all the time, but luckily for me, today, it is true.

Have a good one, and be easy.

"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."Elwyn Brooks White

“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”
Elwyn Brooks White

Found a New Band that is Awesome!

I am constantly looking for new music, especially when I get bored with what I have… recently I discovered this group called Poets of the Fall, they are from Finland and the best way I can describe them is John Denver meets Type O Negative.

Paradox? Yep, but the qualities of the lead singers voice remind me of Type O Negative, while the blend of the piano, acoustic guitar, and beat, mix folk with rock… wonderful. I particular like this one:


You can preview it on Amazon or you can go to the site www.last.fm.com   and search for them to preview whole songs…

Happy Listening, I am putting these guys on repeat…