The Enduring Life…

Sometimes I find myself in a place of deep contemplation.

Now is one of those times.

I want my life to mean more then what the materialistic world believes it can be. I want my life to count in the timelessness of the cosmos. I want myself to endure through, beyond, and on into the great expanse of existence.

How can I do this?

I think that there is a way for this to happen for me and every other person who walks this Earth. We just have to look for it. We have to ask the questions and then accept the answers. We have to be willing to engage in the dance of life.

Plato talked to us about the Allegory of the Cave, he saw humanity as existing in a dark cave, and he describes people in different categories. Those who want to only know the darkness, those who want to see the light but are afraid of it, those who find the light but retreat back to the safety of the cave, and those who truly go out into the light and take it into themselves.

Is it possible that we today are looking for the same things as those of us from the past were also looking for?

How do we even know when and if we find it?

Is life simple, can it truly be simple?

Does depth of life have to equal complexity of life?

I think life can be simple, and I think complexity relative. I think that it is in my own power to define myself and it is in my own power to discover my courage in exiting the cave for good. I do not want to live in darkness, but it will take great courage to face my darkness, the darkness of the world and then transform that into living light.

It Was Time to Stop!

I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I took the week off, went camping with my family, and just tried to decompress from all of life’s little prickly thorns.

I slept a lot while we were camping. I did not realize how intensely I was holding myself until I relaxed my grip a bit.

I have to laugh at myself sometimes that this lesson of balance continues to elude me unless I am really looking for it and consciously adjusting to it. I can be a bit like the mouse from The Bugs Bunny Show, Speedy Gonzales, flying here and there and joyously tearing through life in order to squeeze every drop of living out of it I can. The thing is, some of the best things in life require peace, quiet, and delicacy.


It is all fine and good to have goals, they are necessary to achieving new heights. However, it is also important for me to remember that sometimes the goal should be re-grouping, relaxing, and rejuvenating the soul.

So many times I run, jump, and climb my way through life, and then when I reach a summit; instead of sitting down and enjoying the view I am looking at the next mountain and planning my next climb.

Enough already. I feel better for just sitting down this week and taking in the view. I feel as if by doing this I am better able to gain a more complete perspective and a calming down of my hungry quest for the next challenge.

It is when we unclench ourselves and let things settle that we can really see how the machine is running, and what we need to be healthy going forward.


Quality of life should be just as important as quantity.